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EAN-13 Barcode

The best independent and cheapest source for barcode numbers for Kenya.

EMAIL DELIVERY – Your email will contain your EAN-13 Barcode numbers, Barcode images (in 4 different format: jpeg, pdf, png, svg), barcode registration instructions and a guarantee certificate stating that you are the sole legal owner of these barcode numbers.

This product comes with free barcode/product registration on the International Barcodes Database (this is an optional service).

Quantity Price per Barcode

1             KES 2500

2 +         KES 1800 each 

3 +         KES 1500 each

5 +         KES 1100 each

10 +       KES 1000 each

20 +      KES 850 each

30 +      KES 750 each

50 +      KES 650 each

100 +    Please contact us


☑️No annual license fees 

☑️One-off price 

☑️No Membership/registration fee

☑️Barcode verification reports available

☑️Largest number of retailers

☑️From the same source as GS1

☑️Working directly in over 60 countries

☑️Customers in 120+ countries

Our barcode numbers come from the same original system as GS1 barcode numbers and can be used internationally in the vast majority of stores. Each number sold is first checked for illegal use on the internet before sale to ensure that there are no enforcement hassles for the customer.

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